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What happens if I cannot attend or complete my further assessment?

UPDATED 29 SEP 2023 | 5:34AM

It is your responsibility to be available to attend or complete your  at the notified time. The schedule is provided via an Official Communication or email prior to the examination period.

If you are experiencing exceptional circumstances that impact your ability to sit a Further Assessment (e.g. illness, bereavement), lodge an  request as soon as possible.

If you submit your Further Assessment later than the due date/time specified without an approved assessment extension, your assessment will be considered late. If late assessments are accepted in your unit of study (refer to your unit outline for details), late assessment penalties will be applied. If late assessments are not permitted, you will fail the unit and will have to repeat the unit if it is essential to the completion of your course.

Unit Outlines usually specify the further and deferred assessment period. You are advised not to commit to any other activities that may prevent you from completing your assessment at or by the due date/time.

If you have further questions, please contact your unit coordinator. Their contact information can be found in your unit outline.

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