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How will I know if I am at risk of contract cheating?

UPDATED 07 DEC 2023 | 8:11AM

You are at risk of contract cheating if you inappropriately use Gen-AI tools or ask someone to:

  • Complete an assignment for you
  • Substantially edit your assignment
  • Do your university work, with or without compensation
  • Check your work through Turnitin
  • Check test or quiz answers (such as through websites like
  • Have another person sit a test or quiz for you
  • Provide someone with your login details

You may also be at risk of contact cheating if you provide people or organisations outside of Curtin, with your personal information such as:

  • Your student number and student card details
  • Assignment questions or briefs
  • Lecture notes
  • Marking rubrics or marking guides
Visit Curtin's Contract cheating page for more information.

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