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Why do I have a sanction on my account for the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 7:22AM
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) sanction is applied to your account when you have an outstanding SSAF amount. In other words, you either have not paid the full outstanding amount or completed a valid SA-HELP eCAF before the census date of the study period for which it was due.
Follow the instructions below to clear your sanction:
  1.  to see the amount you currently owe for the SSAF
  2. You can then either:
    • Pay for the outstanding amount through Curtin ePay OR
    • If it is before the census date of the study period for which the amount is due and you are eligible, you can to have the fee deferred to the Australian Tax Office (ATO). Please be aware that the SSAF cannot be deferred through a HECS-HELP form. You must complete the SA-HELP form to defer the SSAF.
  3. Once you have paid for the SSAF, the sanction will lift automatically between 48 - 72 hours. You may submit a SA-HELP eCAF to defer your future SSAF in the following study periods

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