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What does last enrolment via eStudent mean?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 6:19AM

The Last enrolment via eStudent is the last date you can enrol yourself into units through eStudent. It is your responsibility to ensure your enrolment is completed before this deadline. We encourage you to complete your enrolment well before the date, so you have time to seek assistance if required. 

You can view the last date to enrol for each study period on Curtin's academic calendar.
Open Universities Australia (OUA)
If you are studying with Curtin through OUA, you can view your last date to self-enrol (referred to as the Close of enrolment date) under the Subject enrolment and study dates section of the OUA key dates page. Changes to your enrolment are made through the OUA student hub (instead of eStudent) or by contacting OUA directly.

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