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What happens if I do not complete Respectful Relationships and how do I check my progress?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 6:02AM
If you do not complete the Respectful Relationships program or do not have an , a sanction will be placed on your OASIS account. Once you have completed the program or your exemption request has been approved, the sanction will lift automatically within two working days. 
To check your progress in the  program, follow the steps below:
  1. Login to Curtin Challenge using your Curtin student ID number and OASIS password
  2. Under the tab ‘All’ click on the Respectful Relationships tile
  3. Click on the ‘Modules’ tab
  4. Here you will see the 3 program modules. Each module will have a number recorded against it (if you have commenced the module). The module is complete when the recorded score is 100. You must finish all 3 modules to complete the program.
  5. If you have not finished a module, you can click on the circle to progress through the remaining content. 
If you require further assistance please contact Curtin Connect.

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