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How do I enrol into an elective unit?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 4:34AM
You must add an to your study plan before being able to enrol into it. 
To add an elective unit to your study plan: 
  1. Login to OASIS.
  2. Click on the eStudent tile. 
  3. Click on the My Enrolment tab. 
  4. Click on Enrol in Units on the left hand side. Click Select next to the course you are admitted into if necessary. 
  5. Scroll down your study plan to the line notated with a blue "E" icon. The number of credit points you have allocated for electives will be listed. 
  6. Click the Choose button on the right hand side. 
  7. Type the unit code of your desired elective unit into the search bar and click Search
  8. Click Select next to the unit and then Save
  9. Your elective unit should now appear on your study plan.
  10. If you wish to change your selection, click Change next to the elective unit on your study plan. 
To enrol into an elective unit:
  1. Scroll down your study plan to your selected elective unit. 
  2. Tick the checkbox under the Enrol? column. You may be required to select a study period from the drop down menu under the unit name. 
  3. Click Proceed to Enrol
  4. Check your selection then click Enrol
Not all courses offer elective units. You can view your course structure on the Courses Handbook

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