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How many credits should I take each semester?

UPDATED 12 JUL 2022 | 4:57AM

The number of credits you take each study period is also known as your study load. Curtin deems 75 credits and above within a half year period as a full-time study load e.g. 75 credits within a semester, 50 credits within an Open Universities Australia (OUA) study period.

You are not obligated to undertake a full-time load unless you are bound by student visa conditions or an external organisation. In these cases you may be required to meet specific study load requirements due to conditions associated with your student visa, course progression, financial assistance, scholarships, etc. Sometimes these conditions are not set by the University but by external organisations (e.g.  or ). 

Most Curtin units are 25 credit points. To check the credit points of your enrolled units, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to OASIS.
  2. Click on the My Studies tab.
  3. Click on the eStudent tile.
  4. Click on the My Enrolment tab. 
  5. The credit points will be listed against each of your enrolled units. 

Find out more about what is considered full time and your study load obligations on the Study load webpage.

If you need further assistance please contact

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