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This major/stream is part of a larger course. Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information.
Bachelor Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in a discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications.
Master Degrees (Research) prepare students to apply advanced knowledge for research, scholarship and further learning corresponding to AQF level 9 qualifications.
The Undergraduate Certificate in Teaching Education Studies is designed for people who are interested in pursuing a career in early childhood or primary education and may enable entry (and credit for…
This Higher Education Certificate may lead students into the Bachelor of Agribusiness (B-AGRIB) program.
This Higher Education Certificate may lead students into a Bachelor of Commerce (Business Information Systems) (MJRU-BINFS) program.
This major/stream is part of a larger course. Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information.
This major/stream is part of a larger course. Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information.
Doctoral Degrees prepares students to acquire a systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialised research skills to advance learning and/or professional practice…
To satisfy professional requirements, students must complete at least 12 weeks or equivalent of exposure to professional engineering practice. This requirement can be met by appropriate work…