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What are the Terms and Conditions of my Assessment Extension?

UPDATED 28 SEP 2023 | 12:57AM
  1. You will be advised of the application outcome by Official Communication within 7 working days.
    • If there is a delay, we will contact you.
  2. Failure to submit your application in a timely manner may impact the assessment process.
    • For example, if your application is declined and the due date has passed, you could fail the assessment or receive less marks.
  3. If your application is approved, a new due date and time will be determined based on the supporting documentation you have provided. For an assessment item with a scheduled date and time (e.g. examination, oral presentation) you will be provided with at least three working days' notice of the new date and time.
  4. You should not make commitments to other arrangements that could prevent you from completing the assessment task(s) on time.
  5. If your application is approved, and the new due date falls beyond the commencement of the next study period, there may be a delay in receiving your results.
  6. If the new due date of your assessment is after the Board of Examiners, but prior to the start of the next study period, you will be awarded the interim grade “DA”.
    • This will be converted to a final grade once your submission has been marked.
    • The unit outline identifies the period in which your new assessment may take place, unless exceptional circumstances apply.
  7. If your application is declined, or your extension is not for the full duration requested, you may appeal to the Head of School within 5 working days of being advised of the outcome.
    • The Head of School will assess your appeal and determine if a change in decision is warranted.
    • You will be informed of the outcome within three working days from the date of their decision.
    • It is at the Head of School’s discretion whether additional documentation to support your appeal will be accepted.
    • The Head of School’s decision is final, there are no further internal appeal avenues.
  8. Counselling and support services are available to provide guidance and support.

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