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What are the Leave of Absence guidelines?

UPDATED 13 FEB 2024 | 7:11AM
You may apply for a Leave of Absence (LoA) at any time after enrolment and until the teaching period census date.
If your LoA is approved, you will be withdrawn from units in the study period affected by the leave, and withdrawn from units in any study period where an enrolment exists after the LoA lapse date. The normal rules for early withdrawal then apply, i.e. applications submitted prior to census date will not incur a fee liability. 
Where an application has been submitted after the census date but before the last withdrawal date, Leave of Absence may be considered. If approved the student will be withdrawn from units in the study period affected by the leave but still incur a fee liability, and withdrawn from units in the subsequent study period.
When applying for an LoA, it is important to be aware of the following:
  • In order to be eligible to apply for a Leave of Absence, you must be currently enrolled in a course of study at the university.
  • It is your responsibility to investigate the consequences that taking a Leave of Absence might have with any external bodies (for example impact on Centrelink benefits).
  • Your course fees may change whilst you are on a Leave of Absence. This may include incidental fees, an increase in tuition or amenities fees, and so on. Students admitted on an International Student visa should also be aware that cost of living increases may be incurred and that this cost is borne by the student.
  • If your current LoA ends/lapses and you fail to successfully re-enrol or seek an additional LOA at this or another tertiary institution, you may not be eligible for preserved benefits under the Commonwealth Supported Scheme.
  • You must obtain appropriate academic counselling before taking a Leave of Absence.
  • Curtin Connect may authorise a Leave of Absence for a maximum period of twelve (12) months. Applications for a Leave of Absence longer than 12 months; or more than one application for a total continuous period of more than 12 months, must be approved by the Head of School. (Supporting evidence should be attached where appropriate).
  • Leave of Absences cannot be approved if you have outstanding work in the course you are seeking leave from (e.g. unfinished/unmarked assessments or deferred grades) or you have sanctions against your record. Exceptional circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.
  • The Head of the relevant teaching area is entitled to specify appropriate conditions for subsequent re-enrolment. Such conditions may include the need to undertake a unit already studied.
  • If you do not abide with the conditions of your Leave of Absence, you may be withdrawn from your course. If this is the case then you shall lose all rights and privileges of a continuing student and may be required to re-apply for admission into the course.
  • If you are denied a Leave of Absence, or the period of leave requested, you have a right to appeal.
  • The University may refuse or revoke an approved Leave of Absence, should you provide any information that is false or misleading.
  • You must be aware of the potential impact the absence will have on you successfully completing the course (including any implications for unit currency and course completion time limits).
Significant Dates and other Study Periods
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for information on key dates.

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